NDIA Policy Efforts

Visit the NDIA Policy page to learn more. 

The NDIA Policy team monitors and advocates for policy matters of importance to the defense industrial base. Our mission is to ensure the continued existence of a viable, competitive national technology and industrial base, strengthen the government-industry partnership through dialogue, and provide interaction between the legislative, executive, and judicial branches. The Policy team communicates issues of importance to NDIA’s membership through the NDIA Policy Blog, the weekly policy digest, and the NDIA Regulations Tracker.

The Legislative team, led by the Director of Legislative Policy engages in education, communication, and collaboration with congressional policymakers and NDIA members to ensure that legislative proposals are crafted with the interest of the DIB in mind. Through in-person meetings, events at the staff and Member level, and direct reactions to legislation, the Legislative team is the voice for NDIA members in Congress.

The Regulatory team, led by the Director of Regulatory Policy is responsible for engaging the executive branch, and specifically the Department of Defense on behalf of NDIA’s members. Through regular meetings with DOD, GSA, GAO, and OMB, written comments on proposed regulatory actions and by publishing research papers, the Regulatory Team is the voice for NDIA members to executive officials.

The Policy team also represents NDIA in several inter-association groups representing the defense industry and the government contracting community including the Council of Defense and Space Industry Associations (CODSIA), the Acquisition Reform Working Group (ARWG), and the Industry Logistics Coalition (ILC). Over the past three years, the Policy team has led NDIA’s efforts to assess the health of the defense industrial base, cybersecurity policy and acquisition reform. These efforts have led to legislative recommendations adopted by Congress, regulatory changes adopted by the DOD, and broad education of industry and policymakers about issues facing the defense industrial base.

Policy staff regularly meets with key policy stakeholders, and manages Congressional interaction with NDIA Chapters and Divisions.